Septic system design, installation, and repair
A septic system, also known as an onsite wastewater system, is designed to return wastewater collected from your home back to the environment. Septic systems need to be designed to adequately treat the wastewater before it enters the environment. A septic system is typically made up of two parts.
The first part is the septic tank. This is where the majority of the treatment happens. The wastewater flows into the tank where the solids and the liquid separate. The septic tank also contains bacteria which breaks down the sewage even more.
The second part of the system comes after the tank and is called the dispersal field. This is where the effluent (liquid from the septic tank) is returned to the soil. There are many different types of dispersal fields available but not all do the same job. We design each system specifically for your property.
If a septic system isn’t designed properly the water in the ground will become contaminated. We take great care in designing each system to ensure proper treatment.
A septic system needs to be designed specifically to suit each different home or property. The first step to designing a septic system is figuring out the estimated daily water usage for your property. We will send you a form to fill out which will tell our designer what the estimated flow is. For the second step in the process we will come to your property and do a site and soil investigation. This involves digging a few test pits with an excavator and taking soil samples that we send to a lab for analysis. There are minimum setback distances for septic systems from wells, property boundaries, buildings, etc. so we will do a survey of these while at your property. Once we have received the soil analysis from the lab we can design the system based off of the type of soil on your property as well as the estimated daily sewage flow.
All septic systems need maintenance. When and what kind of maintenance that needs done depends on the type of system. While septic tanks need to be pumped out every 2-4 yrs its a good idea to take the lid off and take a look frequently. Some dispersal fields have access points so that they can be inspected to make sure everything is functioning as its designed to.
A septic tank should get pumped out every 2-4 yrs. If you notice that it needs pumped more than once a year your system may need to be upgraded.
Every septic system we install comes with the guarantee that any failures found to have be caused by either our design or installation, will be repaired, at no additional cost to you for as long as you own your home. We also honor all manufacturer warranties on any off-the-shelf components, such as pumps, control panels, and tanks.
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