Mulching also known as brushing is a way to clear land of vegetation and trees. With our compact-track-loader mounted mulcher we can take your standing forest and turn it into biodegradable mulch. Mulching is a great way to clear the way for development because with our compact equipment we can easily pick and choose trees to remove.
A typical brush mower has a horizontally rotating disk with a few teeth or blades mounted to it. A mulcher has a vertically rotating drum with over thirty carbide teeth mounted to it. While they both do relatively the same job, they create a different final product. A brush mower does a good job at cutting brush and trees down but doesn’t do well with shredding up the vegetation. A mulcher pulls all the trees and brush past its rotating teeth and shreds everything into a mulch. This creates a much nicer finish so that you can achieve what you want with your property.
Forests with trees eight inches or less in diameter and with the occasional larger tree are optimal for mulching. While these conditions are the most efficient our mulcher can handle bigger trees as well.